
Haggai 1-2:9
After Exile

This morning is our first live-streamed service after our summer hiatus. We are glad to be back to offering this means of connecting with you. Today we will reflect on the story around Haggai 1-2:9 and consider what life is like After Exile.

If you are new with us this morning, or you've just never let us know you've been joining us online, we would love to have you fill out the form at We would love to hear from you and be able to connect with you.

We are pleased to offer children's programming in person and access to the One Story Kid's curriculum through our blog. Find their videos and print materials for today at!

To find out more information about upcoming events and future services, visit

Find out more about Camp Kahquah visit

To contact our office, email To contact Pastor Jon, email

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