Covenant Family,

After much consideration and attempting to balance several things, our board has decided that we will open for gathering in person for one service time (10:30 am) beginning on February 6, 2022. The gathering will be limited to 40 people (registration link on the event page). Proper masking and social distancing is required.

The emphasis of the gathering is to be able to be in a space with others and what you experience in-person may vary from week to week depending on available volunteers. We’ll use both in-person and video elements as it makes sense for us and as volunteers are available, but there will be a consistent opportunity for you to participate in-person with others on Sunday mornings at 10:30 starting February 6.

Other gatherings in the week will restart in-person as they are comfortable and able. For now, our Women’s Bible Study will continue online. Our Men’s Connection will resume on February 8 at 10 am for any men who want to come and connect with each other. Our youth will continue online for now but will be looking for ways to connect in person when they are able.

We hope and pray this is helpful to you. We will continue online via live stream each Sunday at 10:30 am as well.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.