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Some mornings to work I sit in a café and allow the hustle, bustle, and smells serve as a backdrop to my prayer, reflection, and writing. It is impossible to sit there for very long before I see people greeting each other with familiarity, hugs, laughter, and catching up on life events. It reminds me a little bit of the classic TV show Cheers - providing a place where "everybody knows your name."

It reminds me a bit about what I believe our church gatherings should provide. Not just a place to sing and worship, but a place to be know and be known by others. A community we can come into - even when we just want to hide - and find safety and genuine love. I pray that Covenant continue to be that for those who enjoy it and become that for those who do not. In order for that to happen it requires a few things:

  • Intention - We can't just hope to be a place that offers community. We need to plan it. At Covenant we do a few things right now to help foster this. First, on our communion Sundays (4th Sunday of each month) we ask you to bring some snacks to share between our two services. We hope that you'll take advantage of this time to come and talk with others. Second, we run some fellowship events. Lumberjack Maplefest was a great time of play and connecting. Watch for more of these kinds of events in the coming months. Third, we encourage people to connect in smaller groups - we call them "house churches". These groups that meet regularly in homes provide opportunities to get to know others at a much deeper level.
  • Investment - The truth about community is that the organization of "Covenant Church" can only do so much to foster it. For community to really grow individuals need to invest in building it. It can be easy to just rush in and rush out on a Sunday morning and then not feel connected to the church. if you want to know others and be known, try talking to some people when we're together. Like most things, you get out of community what you invest into community. Now I know that some of us are introverts and this does not come easily. If this is you, Google something like "Social Skills for Introverts" and learn from the many blog posts on this subject. (Such as this one.)
  • Consistency - Simply put, if we are going to grow together we need to be together. The Bible is filled with "one another" language in which we're called to (among other things) love one another, encourage one another, comfort one another, and bear one anothers burdens. We can't enjoy the community we're invited to become unless being together is a priority.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Upcoming Community Building Opportunities:

  • This Sunday, April 23 - Communion Sunday with fellowship time between services. Come for the 10-11 am hour and bring a napkin friendly snack to share with others. Community Care offering and food bank donations are also a part of the morning.
  • Sunday, May 7 - Newcomers Nosh after our second service. If you're new to Covenant or are reconnecting after a period of time away, you're encouraged to come to this lunch. You'll have a chance to meet some staff and leaders at Covenant, and connect with other newer people. Sign up for this will be available in the church lobby.